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This Twin Bedroom Doubles the Fun at Christmas

This Twin Bedroom Doubles the Fun at Christmas

twins nursery with christmas greenery

This quintessential girls’ twin bedroom is sweet and simple at Christmastime. But it had an unlikely start as mom Tamela was decorating for foster children.

Decorating for five children has its own set of unique challenges, and this holds true for twin bedrooms. For Florida homeowner and Instagrammer Tamela Adams of White Blossom Home, there was an added twist. Tamela went through a years-long battle with breast cancer, which made it difficult for her to conceive. Out of her five wonderful children, she and her husband adopted four of them.

porch swing in nursery
This sweet nook in the twin bedroom captures the innocence of young childhood with soft gauzy curtains and little girls’ dolls. “When they were really little they could fit on that swing,” Tamela says. “As they grew, it really became more for decor.”

Decorating For Foster Babies

Before officially adopting, Tamela and husband’s journey began with fostering. This brought along its own distinctive complexities when it came to decorating the children’s rooms, and especially the twin bedroom. “As a foster parent, we wouldn’t know at first if we would be fostering a boy or a girl,” Tamela says. “So I went with neutral colors to start.”

Tamela ended up deciding on a bright white color for the walls of the twin bedroom that would eventually belong to her two youngest daughters. She also came up with a creative solution to the impermanence of their situation as foster parents: removable decals. These decals allowed Tamela to decorate the kids’ room but still be able to adjust to whichever gender they would be fostering.

twin cribs in nursery
Tamela used removable decals as a great versatile addition to the twin bedroom. “They are reusable and so easy to move around and find the perfect spot,” she says. Kids grow and change so quickly, and so can the decor in their room.

Once Tamela knew they would be getting girls, she chose soft pale pink roses and flowers to stick on the walls of the twin bedroom. “I wanted the room to be sweet and girly,” she says. The white cribs are a fresh take on antique spindle cribs and bring a timelessness to the traditionally girly decor. 

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A Christmas Twin Bedroom

When it comes to Christmas in the twin bedroom, Tamela knew she didn’t want traditional colors. “I kept with the pink colors, adding a pink Christmas tree,” she says. Along with the pink tree, Tamela kept true to her Christmas decor throughout the rest of the home. She added simple greenery to the wardrobe and lights to top it off and create that warm, cozy winter wonderland atmosphere.

In the holiday spirit? Find more decorating ideas in A Family Friendly Christmas Home. Of course, don’t forget to follow us on InstagramFacebook and Pinterest to get your daily dose of farmhouse inspiration!

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