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DIY Wallpaper Bookcase Lining

DIY Wallpaper Bookcase Lining

Georgia dream home home office

Learn how you can create a DIY wallpaper bookcase lining. It’s a great way to add a pop of color or experiment with a quirky pattern without committing to an entire wall. Blogger Laura Janning of Duke Manor Farm and her fantastic home office can be your guide.

In her office, Laura uses a navy blue and white wallpaper along one wall, and also installed it into the back of her bookshelf, which creates continuity in the room and provides a fun pop of color for her books and other accents.

Tip: To keep your wallpaper from overwhelming a room, use it on one or two walls or use it to line a bookcase as an accent.

Because Laura works from home on her Duke Manor Farm blog, an inspiring workspace is a necessity. Her desk faces a bright window, and she surrounds herself with photos of her family.

What You’ll Need:

  • Empty bookcase
  • Wallpaper of choice
  • Small craft knife, such as X-Acto
  • Wallpaper adhesive, if necessary

What You’ll Do:

See Also

  1. Pick a wallpaper style that will suit your room’s needs. If your walls are flat, add dimension with textured wallpaper, or for rooms with a neutral palette, consider choosing a statement color, like magenta or periwinkle, to bring life into the space. 
  2. Remove any shelves in the bookcase, if they’re not bolted in. Make sure the inside of the case is clean and smooth to ensure easy application. 
  3. Line your wallpaper up against the inside back of the bookcase. While in place, use the craft knife to trim the wallpaper to size.
  4. If your wallpaper requires paste, apply a thin, even layer and smooth your wallpaper over it. Save yourself time and skip a step by using wallpaper with an adhesive back. 
  5. Insert the shelves and top off your masterpiece with some first edition books, an antique clock or family photos. 

If you love this DIY Wallpaper Bookcase Lining, you might also love Vintage Organization Charm. Or, check out our entire DIY section! Head to on InstagramFacebook and Pinterest and follow us for daily inspiration. And don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter (right below this article) for inspiration delivered right to your inbox!

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