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Mighty Mineral Paint

Mighty Mineral Paint

media room with mineral paint

Find out how Earth’s pigments can transform your home’s interior.

Mineral paints are formulated using natural minerals from the Earth for their color pigments. Romabio’s collection is Italian designed and offers long-lasting results that can’t be found in acrylics. Here are a few reasons to consider choosing mineral paint in for your next home project.

Dynamic Colors

Due to the high mineral content, mineral paints have dynamic color refraction. “Mineral paints create vibrant and beautiful tones with depth and light,” says Leslie, co-owner of Romabio.

framed Beauty and the Beast puzzle against a wall with dark gray mineral paint
Homeowner Brooke Cribbs wanted a way to display some of the puzzles the family put together during quarantine from their favorite Disney artist Darren Wilson. “Realizing they could look like movie posters, I framed them and added battery powered museum lights from Amazon,” Brooke says. “I also found a fandalier from Amazon, which gives a vintage movie feel and has a hidden fan feature.”

Sophisticated, Natural Sheens

One of the appeals of mineral paints is the natural, flat finish, which is unlike the plasticky sheen of acrylic or latex paints. “Our paints offer a range of finishes that can be chosen for their intended use, such as masonry paints for brick and stone, and superflat, matte, low luster or satin finishes for interiors,” Leslie says.

Scent Free

Paint is known for its lingering smell, but mineral paints are virtually odorless and have no toxic emissions. “It’s easy to achieve a healthier and clean paint when you start with natural, mineral-based ingredients,” Leslie says. “Romabio paints are healthy for you and the planet.”

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bathroom with refinished bathtub and repurposed dresser vanity

farmed Disney puzzles on wall in media room with dark gray mineral paint
The couple opted to put a TV upstairs in a large room, which turned out to be a perfect spot for the sectional they had in their previous home. “Authentic theater was my inspiration for this room so, with the help of Romabio Paint, I painted the walls, ceiling, and trim in Navy Steel,” Brooke says. “For the accent wall, I used their Velatura Mineral Wash, also in Navy Steel, and a special mix of Navy Steel to create a faux Italian Plaster look.”


When you choose a mineral-based paint for a mineral surface like brick or stone, you don’t seal the surface as you would with acrylics. “Since it is more durable, it will last longer on your surface, thereby reducing repaint cycles—think repainting the exterior of your home every 10 to 20 years if you use Romabio versus 5 to 7 years when you use acrylics or latex,” Leslie says.

To learn more about Romabio, visit Love matte and patina paint textures? Read on for How to DIY the Antique Paint Look. Of course, don’t forget to follow us on InstagramFacebook, and Pinterest to get your daily dose of farmhouse inspiration!

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