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DIY Renovation Tips From an Expert

DIY Renovation Tips From an Expert

living room with tufted wingback chair and botanical print

Do you have home renovations in mind but you aren’t sure where to begin? Sometimes getting started is the hardest part. Instagrammer and DIY extraordinaire Valerie Ramirez of @We_Dabble offers 5 great DIY renovation tips on how to plan and execute any home design idea.

covered deck with dining area

Get the Big Picture

Before you start tearing down walls or embarking on your next big shopping excursion, use this DIY renovation tip. Take a step back and determine exactly what it is you want to accomplish. Write out your goals on a sheet of paper and any main ideas or inspiration for the space or spaces. If you’re planning more than one room at a time, keep it organized. “I like to add the room at the top of the page,” Valerie says.

Look at the Details

Valerie’s next DIY renovation tip is taking time to figure out specifically what you want to change in the space. “List everything you’d like to tackle in that room, including items you would like to change/update,” she says. “This will help tremendously.”

kitchen with shiplap walls and wood island

Sketch a Floorplan

Getting down on paper the dimensions of the room you’re working in is key for determining what is and isn’t possible, especially if you’re working on a bigger renovation project. “We like to draw out our space and measure (twice) so we can make a list of items needed and check prices online for our budget,” Valerie says. This DIY renovation tip will save you from buying materials that are the wrong length or height.

guest bedroom with wood accent wall

Figure Out Budget and Timeline

Give yourself plenty of time to save money for your project prior to starting,” Valerie says. Make sure to also account for unexpected challenges or issues that might arise. “I like to add a bit of extra money into the budget for the ‘what if’s’ and unforeseens,” she says. A good rule of thumb for this DIY renovation tip is to add an extra 15% onto your budget.

Check it Twice

You’re almost ready to start … but how about another look at that list? “Double check your list to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything,” Valerie says. Once everything is confirmed, take your list and purchase those items you need to get started. “This will save you multiple trips to the store,” she says.

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guest bedroom with wood headboard
Photograph by Valerie Ramirez

Don’t Stress

This DIY renovation tip is also a mental health tip. Always keep in mind that when renovating or tackling a big project it will take time to complete,” Valerie says. “Be patient and have fun with it!”

Go Crazy … on the Little Projects

If you’re wanting to do a smaller project, like paint furniture or redo the wall art in your home, this DIY renovation tip is for you. Simply let those creative juices flow and go for it. “There are those quick and super easy DIYs that only take a can of paint and a little bit of imagination,” Valerie says. “I like to wing those and see what we can come up with!”

For more DIY renovation advice, see DIY Kitchen Remodel Tips and Renovation Delays: A Construction Reality. Of course, don’t forget to follow us on InstagramFacebook and Pinterest for your daily dose of farmhouse inspiration!

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