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How to Choose Sign Art

How to Choose Sign Art

White hutch with sign art above

Sign art speaks to us in ways no other décor can. While your heirloom hope chest or vintage grandfather clock may overflow with nostalgia, such pieces don’t communicate a verbal message like sign art can do. That makes it all the more important to take care when accessorizing with these elements. Here are some questions to consider as you choose sign art for your farmhouse.

Farmhouse laundry room with blackboard laundry sign.
Some sign art pieces have very specific messages, like this laundry room designed by Chip and Joanna Gains.

Where will it go?

Consider the tone of your space. How do you want to feel when you walk into a room? Are you looking for serenity or stimulation? In addition to the colors and furniture, choose sign art that will relay that message loud and clear—whether that’s a pithy line about doing laundry, a single word “Bakery” sign for the kitchen or a reminder to hold your family in highest priority.

Farmhouse bedroom with nightstand and good morning sign
A sweet and simple sign, like this one Misty of Mis Diy Blog placed on her nightstand, serves a specific purpose in a certain space.

What do you want to remember?

Sign art helps remind us of our priorities. “Words in décor can be utilized to bring Scripture to our hearts and minds daily,” says homeowner Brendt Blanks. “Along with other uplifting sayings, it can reframe/redirect our thoughts from ones that may be caught in a negative cycle to ones that are positive and hopeful.”

Choose sign art that you can place as a reminder where you’ll see it when you need it most, whether that’s in the mudroom as you wait for your kids to troop out the door to school, or in your bedroom where you have quiet moments.

“Only put in what you love,” says homeowner Holly Lauritzen. “Things that are not only trendy, but that mean something to you and your family. These are the messages you and your family will remember forever, so make sure they’re good ones.” Entryways and living rooms are great locations to place family name signs, which will help your décor ground your family in what’s most important.

See Also
winter tablescape with beige and cream tablecloth and layered place settings

Fall mantel with Scripture sign art, pumpkins, cotton and wheat stalks.
Your sign art doesn’t need to stay up all year round. This DIY art piece by Laura of The Turquoise Home is perfect for fall.

How long will it stay?

The great part about signs—or most wall art, for that matter—is that you can easily switch it out. Freshen up a space by replacing an old sign for a new one, or exchange your signs between rooms. You can also keep your home in season when you choose sign art that you can swap out with your non-seasonal signs. This is an easy way to add seasonal décor—you’ll know exactly where the sign goes and won’t have to find a new place to squeeze in seasonality.

Ready to get some sign art in your home? Check out our recommendations here! And of course, don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest to get your daily dose of farmhouse inspiration!

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