American Made Porch Swings

Predominantly staffed by one family, Magnolia Porch Swings brings American made porch swings and other outdoor furniture to every corner of the US.

“Necessity is the mother of invention,” is exactly the case for the King family. Casey King’s pursuit of a custom and charming porch swing for her family of six led her and her husband, Eric, to create American made porch swings with Magnolia Porch Swings in 2015.

Casey had been disappointed with the limited, bland selections, so she turned to a local woodworking friend for a custom swing. The idea for Magnolia Porch Swings came from Casey’s desire to provide this option for custom, American made porch swings to other families.

The outdoor furniture from Magnolia Porch Swings comes in a variety of wood options, each a unique piece that has character and charm.

The company is through and through an American-made, family-run business. Each King family member plays a part, from the youngest at 4 years old to the oldest at 14. “Not only do our customers receive great-quality, handmade swings, but many will also get a product that has extra meaning to some pretty awesome kiddos,” says Casey.
For more on Magnolia Porch Swings, visit
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Jillian began her writing career while working through college. She has continued to follow that passion in the years since. Jillian thrives in combining her experience and education to craft insightful and engaging writing. She loves to research and collaborate with others in order to tell stories that bring value to readers’ lives. Jillian’s love of writing was initially born from her passion for reading. She enjoys all genres including fantasy, historical fiction, non-fiction, thriller and more. She believes one of the best ways to be a great writer is to be a great reader and tries to spend as much time as she can reading. When not reading or writing, Jillian enjoys punk rock concerts, swimming and spending time with family. Jillian lives in Orange County, California with her significant other, two children and their dog. Her work can be found through Linkedin or her personal website.