Vintage Bottles: Collecting and Displaying

For blogger and shop owner Allison Aars of The Festive Farmhouse, antique finds like vintage bottles are opportunities waiting to happen. Allison, who has been operating an online store for the past several years, always keeps her eyes open for new acquisitions. “I love the hunt,” she says, “and even more, [I love] discovering old pieces in a brand new light. Ones that might otherwise be overlooked, but with a fresh vision, become the very pieces that make our hearts skip a beat.”

Allison’s love for all things vintage certainly comes through in her personal decorating style, where Allison introduces charming (and colorful) collections of vintage bottles into her quaint farmhouse decor. “I have a thing for old glass,” she explains. “Always have. [There’s] something about the way it catches the light. I also love the juxtaposition of the weathered patina and the shine.”
Allison weighs in with her vintage bottle collection tips. So whether you’re a “half-full” or “half-empty” kind of person, it’s time to gather your glasses and get to work. (On second thought, though, you may want to empty out the bottles first.)

Where to Find Them
“I am always on the hunt for vintage glass for my shop, so I tend to keep my favorites,” Allison says. “Perk of the job.” But you don’t have to curate your own online marketplace to keep an eye out for these beautiful treasures. Scour estate sales and garage sales, antiques shops, barn markets, thrift stores, and, of course, flea markets.

Accept the Imperfections
When it comes to selecting your vintage bottles, don’t be afraid of a little wear-and-tear. “I love incorporating vintage finds because they add an element of history,” Allison says. “Everything has a story, including us. And I love how vintage pieces remind us of that.” So embrace bottles with roughed-up labels and dried on residue. Love them for where they’ve been.

Coordinate by Color
“I love to mix textures and vary sizes, while keeping the color consistent,” Allison says. “There’s no rule that says you have to. I just prefer the look it creates. When you group similar colors, they tend to shine brighter together…creating more of a presence.” Even if you have two colors to pair, your collection of vintage bottles will help give your home decor a time-worn touch that’s well loved as well.
Love vintage collectibles? Learn about antique clocks here. Of course, don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest to get your daily dose of farmhouse inspiration!