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On the Market: Sweet Carolina Farmhouse

On the Market: Sweet Carolina Farmhouse

The front view of a white farmhouse shaped like a classic barn.

Not far from the historical small town of Apex, North Carolina, a sweet farmhouse boasts three spacious bedrooms, two bathrooms, antique décor and distinctive brick details. Replete with interesting contrasts between old and new, the home recalls a classic barn shape. But painted white and built in 2015, the residence feels both fresh and new. The two acre property is a steal at a little over $620,000.

A larger view of the front of the home.
Courtesy of Zillow

Seeing Double

Two dusty blue doors offset the crisp white barn exterior and lead to opposite sides of the house. As if a mirror image, the front of the home might provide his and hers entrances or playfully evoke a classic storefront.

Brick flooring takes up the entire entryway and offsets the pure white walls.
Courtesy of Zillow
Old antique are everywhere in the entryway: old packing crates, aged wood shudders, and a washing pail.
Courtesy of Zillow

Also crafting a general store quality, antique décor adorns the inside of the home. Such everyday items were readily available for purchase across the American frontier. Thus, this sweet Carolina farmhouse gestures to the past with old milk jugs leaning in hallway corners, while wash pails and packing crates also hint to the colonial history of Apex. A sign reading sanitary restrooms leads the way to the home’s guest washroom, with his and hers matching large farmhouse style sinks.

Like a mirror image, his and hers sinks sit side by side.
Courtesy of Zillow

Aged Interior

An aged brick wall serves as the backdrop to the kitchen. In fact, brick can decorate a home in many ways, and this brick veneer certainly adds style and a sense of history to this sweet Carolina farmhouse. The ceiling panels are also aged and provide an interesting juxtaposition to the room’s glossy floor. A large medieval chandelier dangles from the ceiling, and an old telephone hangs on the wall, adding to the home’s sense of timelessness.

A brick wall offsets the wood floor and ceiling panels.
Courtesy of Zillow

Funny Farm

Of course the aged brick and antique décor suggest the home’s historical provincial style. But other elements of the home flavor of the frontier life as well—but with a wink! Check out the other guest bathroom and its playful image of a cow decorating the shower curtain. The bovine rump sits comically near perhaps the bathroom’s most vital service. In the backyard, a mini version of the home finds its duplicate in the children’s playhouse and swing set, whose wood columns mirror those of the home’s back entrance. Guests might wonder if they are seeing double!

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A cow's rear end takes up the majority of this shower curtain.
Courtesy of Zillow
The back view of the home, with it's wood columns, matches the child's swing set.
Courtesy of Zillow

See more of this Apex, North Carolina farmhouse on Zillow.

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