DIY These Giant Paper Snowflakes

Ready to make your home into a winter wonderland? While your kids cut out traditional paper snowflakes, try your hand at these giant versions you can hang in the window, next to the tree or among your kids’ school paper snowflakes. You can make them in any color to match your Christmas decor.
What You’ll Need:
• 8 ½ x 11 inch copy paper (3 sheets for each snowflake)
• Scissors
• Glue
• Twine or thread

What You’ll Do:
1. Take one sheet of paper and cut it in half so it measures 8 ½ x 5 ½ inches. Lay one half aside.
2. With the other half, lay it horizontally, fold the top left corner down to make a triangle and cut off the excess paper.
3. Fold the triangle into a triangle again. The paper should now have two triangle folds.
4. Lay the triangle down so the widest end faces up, and the open part of the fold is on the right.
5. Moving from right to left, cut horizontal lines into the triangle, but don’t cut all the way to the ends of the paper.
6. Unfold the paper to make a square.
7. Glue the corners of each set of cuts together, alternating the sides (glue one pair to the left, the next to the right, then the left again, etc.).
8. Repeat steps 1-8 so you have six separate pieces.
9. Take three of the pieces and glue their bottom corners together so they gather into one point. Repeat for the other three pieces.
10. Take both sets of three pieces and glue their points together to create the snowflake shape.
11. Loop twine or thread through one corner of the snowflake and hang.
Want to see Shannon’s whole Christmas house? Go here! Of course, don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest to get your daily dose of farmhouse inspiration!
Victoria is a brand advisor, marketing strategist, writer and editor. She was the editorial director of American Farmhouse Style for almost 10 years, and now enjoys writing occasional articles for the magazine and receiving the beautiful copies in the mail. Victoria is also a wife and mom to three little ones: two on earth and one in heaven. With any (not so spare) time, she devours books, dabbles in fiction writing and works on her house. As a home décor enthusiast and DIYer herself, she knows what a little paint and patience can do for a room!