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The Perfect Christmas Garden House

The Perfect Christmas Garden House

Inside of a Christmas garden house with Christmas decorations

Nestled on the lot of an 1820s farmhouse is a true holiday gem. Blogger Brooke Fedigan of Farmhouse 1820 started with a design board and a lot of wishful thinking. Her stunning Christmas garden house is a culmination of lush design, comforting colors and a lot of crafty know-how. Her goal for her garden oasis was for it to become a cozy haven on her lot, and she has more than achieved this.

The Christmas garden house serves as a year round event space hosting small weddings and has future plans for small dining events. Still, the garden house comes alive during the holiday months when Christmas comes to Brooke’s farm. 

An evergreen exterior to a cozy garden house.
Green iron chairs around a table in a Christmas garden house
Gorgeous layers of silver and gold liven up Brookes Space

Bring on the Holidays

Brooke starts bringing in the holiday cheer in September. She doesn’t pick a theme each year, she simply starts decorating and sees what comes to her. For this Christmas season, the theme “Silver and Gold” seemingly fell into her lap.

Also Read: How to Transition Your Home From Christmas to Winter?

It all started with her handmade lighting fixture that became the centerpiece of her decor. “It’s made out of a grapevine wreath,” she says. “I just started hot gluing moss, I spray painted some twigs gold. It’s just little cafe lights in there.” Her hanging fixture was a hit all around, even Brooke was taken aback with her work on the Christmas garden house.  “When you walk in, its breathtaking, even for me.” 

A centerpiece of gold.
The perfect blend of silver and gold.

Balancing silver and gold

Scattered around her golden centerpiece are cozy winter touches that bring the silver. Wintery fir trees, glittery placemat snowflakes and chunky alpaca throws to warm up with. But the real trick to making a Christmas garden house come alive are the personal touches to remind us what the season of giving is all about.

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Mother and daughter photo on large canvas print

On the side table between two plush armchairs are a collection of stone rabbits. These serve as reminders of cherished holiday memories and also pack a decor punch. These tiny bunnies come from a long line of family traditions. “Ever since I was little, my mom has always given me a rabbit for Christmas.” All throughout her space Brooke was able to combine layers of wintery decor with small personal touches that make her Christmas garden house sing.

Also Read: Tips for Planning a Christmas Party

A touch of Christmas past between two plush armchairs.

For more Christmas decor, head here to learn about Christmas color palettes. Of course, don’t forget to follow us on InstagramFacebook and Pinterest to get your daily dose of farmhouse inspiration!

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