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An 1890 Farmhouse Brings the Outside In

An 1890 Farmhouse Brings the Outside In

exterior of 1890 farmhouse with potted palms at walkway entrance

An 1890 farmhouse reclaims its original rhythm by keeping time to the outdoors.

It was love at first sight when Stephanie and Terry Turner saw the 1890 farmhouse in Lakeland, Florida, making it over 120 years old. Immediately drawn to the light, the home and the potential for the sprawling garden, the couple purchased the home in 2017 and immediately set about doing what they love best: creating gorgeous garden environments, inside and out.

exterior back door entryway of 1890 farmhouse
sitting area in lush Florida garden part of 1890 farmhouse property

Stephanie, a landscape designer and native of New Orleans, and her husband, Terry, a talented retail and design director, were determined to honor the property’s original ethos as much as possible, salvaging elements such as the wood floors, brick walls and other architectural elements. “The only renovation was the addition of the French doors to the back,” says Stephanie, who adds that nothing was changed to the home’s existing footprint.

“When we moved in, we inherited sprawling avocado trees and large palm trees.  We completely expanded the garden with an olive grove, oranges, lemons, an exotic tropical foliage garden vegetable and cutting gardens.” The couple also added a large vegetable and cutting garden with raised beds as well as Seagrape hedge for privacy and yet more greenery.

homeowner working in garden with orange tabby cat
monstera, ferns and palms in lush garden of 1890 farmhouse

Bringing the Outdoors In at the 1890 Farmhouse

But the focus on foliage wasn’t simply an outdoor endeavor. They also brought that bounty indoors, including what she calls, “Massive amounts of plants” to every room of the home, including the mudroom with the original farm sink that they use to wash vegetables and cut flowers. Palms, Monstera and variegated begonias connect indoors with the outside, creating a greenhouse like effect against the home’s expansive windows.

potting sink in mudroom of 1890 farmhouse in Florida
potted monstera inside 1890 farmhouse in Florida

Balancing the profusion of rich foliage is a mix of quieter neutral tones. All the walls are painted Benjamin Moore Chantilly lace. “I have always preferred a blank white canvas to highlight garden statues, shell collections and plants,” says Stephanie. The couple used mostly cherished pieces of furniture collected over the years and brought from previous homes. The living room sofa migrated from Italy where it was found in a vintage shop in France before finally traveling to the United States, while other elements were sourced by the couple from antique stores in Franklin, Tennessee, New Orleans and beyond.

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Today that home and garden exist in right-hand, left-hand harmony, an always-shifting melody that keeps in concert with the seasons, sun and harvest: “The excess avocado bounty became a shared gift within the community donating to local churches. In peak harvest season, we filled baskets with fresh produce to share with neighbors and friends,” Stephanie says. “One of the greatest joys of farmhouse life comes from the garden.”

sitting room with potted monstera and palms and European furnishings including large chandelier
potted monstera in 1890 farmhouse in Florida
chandelier with tree branch hanging on it and collection of bud vases with monstera and palm leaves on antique table below

If you love the landscape and interior greenery in this 1890 farmhouse, then check out Greenhouse Garden on a Budget and An Authentic Farmhouse in Ojai. Of course, don’t forget to follow us on InstagramFacebook and Pinterest for your daily dose of farmhouse inspiration!

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