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Vintage Window Treatments to DIY

Vintage Window Treatments to DIY

Treating your windows is infinitely more fun when you can show off your favorite collections. Find clever ways to use collections as vintage window treatments.

Windows are a coveted asset in the home, as they allow us to connect with nature and give us plenty of our favorite home staple: natural light. But plain windows can look unfinished, and it’s our job to treat and frame them to become the focal points they deserve to be. But instead of purchasing window treatments, use your collections to get the vintage window treatment look you want. Here are our favorite ideas that you can do yourself.

nonseasonal wreath hanging in window
Nonseasonal wreaths are the perfect year-round window decoration. Tie a piece of string to the wreath and hang it from a nail on the top of the window frame for a custom vintage window treatment. Photograph by Bret Gum; home of Leslie Saeta.

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Glass Jars

illustration of plants in mason jars hanging from a curtain rod

Flowers and sun are the perfect pairings, so what could be better than putting your arrangements in direct light? Gather your favorite old jars, fill them with flowers and tie them to your curtain rod using a thin rope. A collection of five looks pleasing, but you can hang as many as you’d like.

illustration of mismatched doorknobs on reclaimed wood as a DIY curtain rod

Mismatched Doorknobs

Make your own curtain rod by screwing mismatched doorknobs onto a reclaimed piece of wood. Look for sheer curtains with loops at the top, and place the individual loops over each doorknob. Overlap the curtain panels to provide more privacy for your vintage window treatment.

vintage handkerchiefs as DIY window valances

Vintage Handkerchiefs

A collection of old handkerchiefs can act as a colorful valance. Simply sew a strip of fabric to the back of each handkerchief, leaving the middle of the fabric open to slip the curtain rod inside. This is ideal if you’d like your curtain rod to be hidden.

botanical prints hung as DIY window treatment

Botanical Prints

For a fun vintage window treatment, hang botanical prints and connect them with paper clips. Use spray paint to coordinate the paper clips with the colors in your print, and attach the paper clip at the top to a curtain ring to secure each column to the curtain rod. The same idea can be done with vintage playing cards or book pages.

illustration of vintage sports pennants repurposed as window valance

Sports Pennants

This idea is great for a sports room, boys bedroom or den. Tie vintage pennants to your curtain rod, leaving the longer pennants on the ends and the shorter ones in the middle. It will reflect your team spirit and still allow plenty of natural light to flow through the window.

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illustration of vintage shutters mounted on either side of a window


If your windows are long and narrow, design your own shutters using framing wood from your local home improvement store. Cut six boards to the length of your window and cut four boards to span the width of the vertical boards. Paint or finish them in your desired color or stain. Then nail the vertical pieces to the wall first, leaving a small gap between each board. Lastly, using wood glue or nails, attach the horizontal boards to finish the look.

vintage stained glass hung as window treatment
Hang a vintage window in front of your windows, similar to a stained glass art piece. It adds color and texture and won’t block the light.

This article first appeared in Flea Market Decor magazine.

Looking into new windows? Read on for The Best Windows for Farmhouse Style. Of course, don’t forget to follow us on InstagramFacebook and Pinterest to get your daily dose of farmhouse inspiration! 

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