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Vintage Wallpaper 101

Vintage Wallpaper 101

floral wallpaper in Holly Thompson's 1920s bungalow

Did you know that you can use vintage wallpaper in your home? Here are some considerations.

Authentic Vintage. You can buy true authentic vintage wallpaper for your home. Make sure the vendor you buy it from is reputable, or if you’re buying it in person, unroll it to make sure there aren’t major imperfections. To hang it, use wheat paste, which is what was used to hang wallpaper at the time. You can find it online in powder form, and then mix it yourself.

Reproduction. There are many companies that offer modern reproductions of vintage wallpaper. This route allows you to get the vintage pattern you like without the risk of the paper having major imperfections. Some reproduction papers are also removable, which is great for rented homes or in areas where you want to be able to change the wallpaper easily.

Vintage Wallpaper Inspiration

For wallpaper styling ideas, we thought we’d turn to some of our favorite professionals. Holly Thompson, designer and DIYer, renovated a 1920s bungalow with some vintage-inspired wallpaper.

vintage style wallpaper in renovated 1920s bungalow
Vintage style wallpaper in renovated 1920s bungalow. Photography by Amy Lamb.
vintage wallpaper in 1920s bungalow
The vintage wallpaper provides cohesion through many spaces of the home with the same pattern appearing in both pink and a creamy yellow for both interest and a uniting thread. Photo by Amy Lamb.
mix of vintage and modern wallpaper in 1920s bungalow
Mix of vintage and modern wallpaper in Holly Thompson’s 1920s bungalow. Photo by Amy Lamb.

Sara McDaniel of Simply Southern Cottage restored the deteriorated but historic Villas at Spanish Court, transforming them with—among many things—wallpaper.

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The Villas at Spanish Court with butterfly wallpaper
The Villas at Spanish Court with butterfly wallpaper. The bright colors provide a jumping off point for the cabinetry, bedding and upholstery. Photography by Hector Sanchez.
neutral striped and dandelion wallpaper in The Villas at Spanish Court
Neutral striped and dandelion wallpaper in The Villas at Spanish Court. You can mix different wallpaper designs with the same color palette to achieve some visual interest. Photography by Hector Sanchez.
grasscloth wallpaper in The Villas at Spanish Court
For a simpler design with a luxe feel, grasscloth wallpaper is a great way to go as in this room at The Villas at Spanish Court. Photography by Hector Sanchez.

Read more about Holly Thompson’s 1920s bungalow renovation here, and see more of the Villas at Spanish Court here. If you’re feeling ready to experiment, read on for Wallpaper Statement Walls.

Of course, don’t forget to follow us on InstagramFacebook and Pinterest to get your daily dose of farmhouse inspiration!

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