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This Christmas Wish List Isn’t About Gifts

This Christmas Wish List Isn’t About Gifts

Christmas wish list half filled out on coffee table

It’s time to start planning for Christmas! Take out some time to sit down with your favorite hot drink and get yourself organized for the season with your non-gift Christmas wish list.

But before you start, sign up for our Christmas printables, Fa-La-La-La Farmhouse!

The first step is your Christmas wish list. But this list isn’t about gifts—it’s about everything else that makes the Christmas season special, from decorations to events and traditions. Think about each of these elements and decide what and how you want to incorporate them this year.

Exterior of playhouse with pink door and white Christmas tree
This darling playhouse by homeowner Alicia Kimbrough is ready for the sugar plum fairy to come visit! Photograph by Jessica White


Let’s be real—we all have those Christmas wish list decorating ideas that sometimes just don’t get done. Whether it’s making paper snowflakes to hang from the upstairs hallway or decking out your kids’ playhouse for the sugar plum fairy, this is the time to dream. It’s still early in the season, so pick a few of those decorating ideas you want to try and plan to do them this year.


December quickly fills up with busy calendars. But it’s still before Thanksgiving, so now is the perfect time to prioritize the events you want to attend or throw this year. Is there a city tree lighting you forgot to attend last year, or a friend’s annual Christmas party you don’t want to miss? Write down those events so you can remember to plug them into your calendar with plenty of time to spare.

Burgoo recipe stew in crock
This burgoo recipe is a perfect classic stew for fall in the country.
Photograph by Elliot Hess


Do you have Christmas recipes you want to try this year? Whether they’re cute ideas you just pinned from Pinterest or recipes you’ve had for years and never tried, this is your year. Write down the recipes you want to try during the holiday season this year. You can even pair them up with the events you’ll be attending or planning so you have a convenient time to try them.

See Also
Mother and daughter photo on large canvas print

Christmas wish list planning guide on tabletop
Get this printable for free! Printable illustration by Lauren Rebbeck.


Traditions are at the heart of the Christmas season. Use this time before the holiday rush to be intentional about the traditions you want to continue with your family, and new traditions you might want to add. Write them down so you can refer to them throughout the season.

10 day checklist

Have you signed up to get these printables yet? You should! Also, check out these fun DIY Christmas ornament kits from Etsy. Of course, don’t forget to follow us on InstagramFacebook and Pinterest to get your daily dose of farmhouse inspiration! 

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