An Upcycled Fall Farmhouse

The well-known phrase “Life isn’t perfect” can easily be extended to “Design isn’t perfect.” Blogger and DIY queen Nina Hendrick, of Nina Hendrick Home, is no stranger to making compromises work to her advantage in her upcycled fall farmhouse designs. Sometimes it’s finding a happy medium between expensive taste and a realistic budget. Other times it’s hunting for seasonal décor that will work year round, or stylizing a house while keeping it livable. Whatever the challenge may be, Nina happily accepts it when it comes to decorating her Massachusetts farmhouse home.

Little Touches
Nina’s number one tip for effortless transitions through the seasons is to have a simple and timeless base. “I start out with a neutral foundation and then bring in lots of natural elements for each season,” she says. Her white slipcovers, beige rugs and wood furniture provide more space for accent colors when autumn comes around each year. With a clean palette, her small but carefully considered details are all the more striking.

Fresh for an Upcycled Fall Farmhouse
Nina’s favorite decorations for the fall are those she has to restock each year: fresh produce of all kinds. Nina says, “I love to use things as they become available—fresh fruits, apples, any harvest.” She takes advantage of the heirloom pumpkins and bright sunflowers that are sold in her local farmers’ market.

One of Nina’s go-to ways to make artificial flowers look more natural is to mix real flowers in with them. And great news—she’s certainly not one to underestimate the quality of a good dollar-store bouquet. She says, “Dollar and craft stores have really stepped up their game.” She frequents them when she’s on the hunt for affordable upcycled fall farmhouse decor, like the leaves on her mantel and dining room centerpiece.

Family Matters
When her husband championed a television over the mantel, Nina (who grew up without a TV) resisted. However, the couple found a compromise that made them both happy. They decided on a Frame TV, so that when they weren’t using it, it would look like a piece of art rather than a clunky electronic. Nina has it set to display one her of grandfather’s paintings: an autumn landscape. That’s not the only place you’ll see his work in Nina’s home—the painting in her dining room is also one of her grandfather’s originals.

Helping Hands for an Upcycled Fall Farmhouse
From the artwork to the numerous pieces she and her husband built or refinished together (like her coffee table, fireplace and kitchen island) to the yard-sale vintage trunk (once rumored to be a family heirloom), Nina’s upcycled fall farmhouse seems like one big group effort. However, it’s the little touches that Nina brings with her eye for design that tie the whole project together.

Now you know how to create your own upcycled fall farmhouse style. For more tips on how to DIY on a budget, click here! And of course, don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to get your daily dose of farmhouse inspiration!