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Meet Our 2021 Brand Ambassador: Courtney Vettel

Meet Our 2021 Brand Ambassador: Courtney Vettel

White cupboard full of green Jaedite dishware

We’ve been searching for a Brand Ambassador for 2021, and have had so many wonderful entries! Thank you from our team to everyone who entered, became a finalist and voted on your favorite choice. And now we’re excited to announce the winner: Courtney Vettel of The Vettel Farm!

P.S. We had some wonderful finalists! If you’d like to see the top 3 finalists’ DIY entries, check out Alyson Dorr and her wallpaper installation, Robyn Huff and her concrete chargers and Courtney Vettel and her vintage Christmas tree!

Courtney Vettel in front of Jaedite collection

Courtney Vettel is the creator of The Vettel Farm, a vintage DIY, lifestyle, and home décor blog and Instagram. She is a proud wife, mom to three and high school counselor on the peaceful prairies of North Dakota. Vintage farmhouse is her expertise, where she shares all things creating, crafting, cooking, and collecting!

We’ve done a short Q&A with Courtney to get to know her better:

American Farmhouse Style: How did you get involved with the farmhouse community?

Courtney: We purchased an old farmhouse, and we renovated it very quickly because we needed to move into it. I enjoyed the design process, so it’s evolved since then. I was able to incorporate all the vintage treasures I’d been hoarding. I now do home décor with a farmhouse vibe! My mom has also been influential in my style—she collects vintage and antiques.

AFS: What’s your favorite vintage collection in your home?

Courtney: I’m very well known for my jadeite collection! I’ve been working on it since I was 17. Martha Stewart inspired it. I started watching her show when I was 7, and always admired her style. I knew I wanted to have a white kitchen full of green glass like she had. It wasn’t popular before, and she really popularized it.

AFS: Living in a rural area, where do you find most of your décor items and collections?

See Also
kitchen close up of exposed kitchen shelves with copper and white kitchenalia

Courtney: I go to a lot of garage sales—that’s where I find the best stuff. Flea markets too, and occasionally I’ll find stuff at antiques stores. North Dakota is so small that most garage sales are community driven, so they’ll have different sales. A lot of the little towns in North Dakota have older populations, so they’re trying to get rid of their old stuff, and it’s really cool old stuff. Most towns have a city-wide sale during the summer. It is a lot of driving though! I just went to a flea market and it was a 3.5 hour drive (one way).

AFS: What project(s) are you working on in your home right now?

Courtney: We’re renovating a historic home in my home town in South Dakota. We plan to make it a vacation home for ourselves. It’s a four hour drive, and I’m doing the project with my mom. She’s doing the general contracting, and I’m doing the design and décor. I try to get down there once a month to do little projects here and there. We’re hoping to have it 85% finished by Christmas. It won’t be 100% done by then because we have to wait on some of the historical aspects for the city regulators to reopen after Covid.

Did you see Courtney’s vintage-inspired Christmas DIY? Check it out here! Of course, don’t forget to follow us on InstagramFacebook and Pinterest to get your daily dose of farmhouse inspiration!

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