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Collecting and Styling Vintage Santa Mugs

Collecting and Styling Vintage Santa Mugs

tall wooden shelf upcycled from hardware store with Santa cutout in front and Santa mugs inside

There’s something ironic about starting a collection of vintage items because of a social media post—but in the age of the influencer, it also makes perfect sense. That was the case for Instagrammer Emily Kelley, the voice behind Dirt Road Revival, and her story with collecting and displaying vintage Santa mugs. Here’s the inside scoop on where she finds them and how she styles them.

hutche with antique kitchen scale, rolling pine and Santa mugs
The hutch in the kitchen is a handmade piece by Emily’s husband. Emily decorates it at Christmas with a green garland, and intersperses Christmas touches into her everyday kitchen decorations.

Collecting all year long. After spotting old Santa mugs on Instagram from fellow vintage enthusiasts, Emily decided to get in on the fun. She has scoured flea markets, antiques stores, yard sales and vintage sellers on Instagram. “It could be the middle of July and I would be looking for them at a junk sale,” Emily says. “Sometimes I’d find a seller with a few, and I’d be so excited to take them all.” Don’t be afraid to look for seasonal items throughout the year.

Real or faux? If you love the look of a particular collectible, you don’t have to worry too much whether they’re authentic or reproductions. A few reproduction Santa mugs have made their way into Emily’s otherwise-vintage set, with the express purpose of ensuring that her kids can enjoy the tradition, worry-free.

tall wooden shelf upcycled from hardware store with Santa cutout in front and Santa mugs inside
Emily had long been searching for a cubby display but all too often they were too pricey, too worn or too far away. Persistence paid off and she finally found this piece, which was originally in a mom-and-pop hardware store. The reproduction Santa sign gives it an especially festive presence.

Display and use. To display her ever-growing collection, Emily treats her vintage Santa mugs both as items to use and enjoy. She keeps the mugs within reach and in constant rotation on the coffee bar. Many of them are on display in a cabinet from an old hardware store. The cubbies that once held bits and bobs in a mom-and-pop shop now act as a seasonal display.

See Also

For more of Emily’s home decorated for Christmas, see Have Yourself a Flea Market Christmas. Of course, don’t forget to follow us on InstagramFacebook and Pinterest for your daily dose of farmhouse inspiration!

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