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Chippy Furniture DIY Makeover

Chippy Furniture DIY Makeover

Finished pink painted dresser, upcycled with vintage farmhouse style

Ready to upcycle an old piece of furniture into a chippy furniture DIY farmhouse beauty? Sweet Pickins makes milk paint, which is a paint made from only six ingredients, including milk protein and all-natural limestone. Milk paint is non-toxic and has no volatile organic compounds (VOCs). It’s the perfect paint to do an indoor DIY project, like this chippy furniture DIY makeover!

Brown dresser before painting
Before picture—this dresser is getting a major facelift!

What You’ll Need:

  • Furniture (used here: vintage dresser)
  • Screwdriver or drill
  • TSP or another cleaner of choice
  • Old rags
  • Sandpaper and electric sander
  • Sweet Pickins Milk Paint (color used here: Wildflower)
  • Optional: Extra Bond base
  • Paintbrush
  • Sweet Pickins Oil Wax
  • Damp paper towels

What You’ll Do:

1. First, remove any hardware you don’t want to paint, such as drawer pulls and knobs, with your screwdriver or drill. Bag them and set them aside.

step to clean drawers on old dresser

2. Clean the piece. Wipe down all the dust and oils, using either TSP or another cleaner (Sweet Pickins used Simple Green). Make sure the piece is completely dry before moving on.

sanding dresser for chippy furniture DIY makeover

3. Lightly sand the piece. You don’t need to work any layers off the furniture—just scuff it up so the paint will stick better. For flat areas, you can use an electric sander. For curves and edges, sand by hand.

4. Wipe down the piece with a damp rag to get any extra sawdust off. Let it dry completely.

Painting with pink paint

5. Paint the piece with two coats of milk paint, allowing it to dry in between the coats. Optionally, you can add a base for extra adhesion, such as Extra Bond. “We love milk paint for its ability to give pieces a chippy, worn farmhouse look with minimal effort,” says Sausha Khoundet, owner of Sweet Pickins, “but in this case I wanted more of a traditional look without any chipping, so I added Extra Bond into the first coat. It acts as a primer and bonds the milk paint to the surface.”

Sanding pink paint on chippy furniture DIY makeover

6. After the piece is fully dry, lightly sand the paint for a buttery, smooth finish. Feel free to distress it too for the chippy furniture DIY look.

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Painting wax onto hippy furniture DIY makeover

7. Finish off the milk paint with a wax finish, such as Sweet Pickins Oil Wax, which will add character and seal the paint. Brush the wax on; then wait 15 minutes and wipe it off with a slightly damp paper towel.

8. Finally, complete the makeover by cleaning the hardware and putting it back on the piece.

Love this project? Check out some of our favorite furniture makeovers! Of course, don’t forget to follow us on InstagramFacebook and Pinterest to get your daily dose of farmhouse inspiration!

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