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Keepin’ It Cool: All About HVAC Systems

Keepin’ It Cool: All About HVAC Systems

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Learn the basics of what to search for when buying a new HVAC system.

Finding the right HVAC system for your home can be challenging. American Standard Heating & Air Conditioning, a leading provider of long-lasting, quality equipment for more than a century, believes homeowners deserve an excellent experience from initial sale, throughout the installation process, as well as during post service and maintenance. Here are elements to consider during your search for an HVAC system worthy of your home.

Couple in kitchen with a glass of wine

HVAC System Size

One key component is the size of your home. HVAC systems are not one size fits all. Similar to finding a home that fits your family, HVAC equipment comes in different sizes to accommodate a home’s square footage and floor plan. It’s key to work with a trusted HVAC professional who can assess your needs and calculate your exact requirements.

air conditioner installation

Does your home sit on a smaller lot with tight lot lines? Consider a low-profile air conditioner, which is a more compact system designed for smaller spaces. Live in a climate with milder winters? You could opt for a heat pump, an outdoor unit that can both cool and heat your home. If noise ordinances or levels are a concern, there are HVAC models ready to accommodate. Look for the Nominal Sound Level rating that gives the average sound level in decibels; the higher the level, the louder the unit.

Woman looking at HVAC thermostat

Energy Efficiency

Trying to keep your bills down? Prioritize an energy-efficient and environmentally conscious system. American Standard offers high-efficiency products to provide much-needed relief from rising utility bills and energy costs, while reducing emissions. Their lineup of high efficiency products carries the EPA’s Energy Star label. Other clues: Look for a cooling unit’s Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) and the AFUE of a furnace. The SEER, ranging from 13 to 22, represents the cooling output versus the energy required. The higher the SEER, the more efficient the system—much like miles per gallon for a car.

Couple in HVAC cooled kitchen cooking dinner

AFUE measures a gas furnace’s efficiency in converting fuel to energy. A furnace with an 80% AFUE rating can turn 80% of the energy it consumes into heat. The other 20% is used during the heating process. The most efficient furnaces will have an AFUE of 90–97%.

American standard employee air conditioner


Regular biannual maintenance is essential to keeping your HVAC running optimally. American Standard recommends performing preventive maintenance in late spring and early fall—before the harshest seasons hit—to extend the life of the HVAC system.

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American Standard air conditioner

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