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DIY Succulent Art Project

DIY Succulent Art Project

American flag shaped DIY succulent art arrangement

Create your own American flag botanical beauty through this fun DIY succulent art! Unique and durable, succulents inspire gardens across the country. These botanical starbursts add modern glow to farmhouse style and can also make for fun craft projects.

In a twist on traditional gardening, author of the book, Stylish Succulent Designs and Other Botanical Crafts and founder of In Succulent Love, Jessica Cain, shares her one-of-a-kind DIY succulent art. “Combining red, white and blue naturally colored succulents, this flag is a festive way to celebrate the USA,” she says. Prepare to refresh and reconnect with your patriotic spirit.

supplies for DIY succulent art

What You’ll Need:

  • Rust-Oleum clear glossy spray
  • Large metal planter (20″ [51 cm] long x 14″ [35.5 cm] wide x 4″ [10 cm] tall)
  • Cactus soil
  • Chopsticks or small garden shovel
  • 12 (2″ [5-cm]) pots Echeveria ‘Blue Hybrid’
  • 1 (6″ [15-cm]) pot Sedum ‘Cape Blanco’
  • 6 (1-gal [4-L]) pots Crassula platyphylla
  • 20 (2″ [5-cm]) pots Echeveria ‘White’
Woman planting succulents in box

What You’ll Do:

1. Spray Rust-Oleum all over the metal planter and let it dry for 30 minutes.

2. Fill the planter halfway with cactus soil.

3. In the top left corner, plant four Echeveria ‘Blue Hybrid’ with small clusters of Sedum ‘Cape Blanco’ in between them to create the star section of the flag.

4. Repeat until you have three rows of Echeveria ‘Blue Hybrid’ with two rows of tightly clustered Sedum ‘Cape Blanco’ in between them. Use the chopsticks to help plant the succulents tightly together.

woman planting succulents in rows for DIY succulent art

5. To start the red and white stripes, plant one pot of Crassula platyphylla in a thin row at the top.

6. Beneath the row of Crassula platyphylla, add six Echeveria ‘White.’

7. Plant them tightly together.

8. Underneath this row, add another row of Crassula platyphylla and then another row of six Echeveria ‘White.’

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9. Next, plant your first full row of Crassula platyphylla beneath the previous Echeveria ‘White’ row across the length of the planter.

10. Underneath this row, plant the last eight Echeveria ‘White’ across the length of the planter.

11. Add your last row of Crassula platyphylla across the bottom of the planter.

To care for your DIY succulent art, lightly mist the succulents twice a week and keep them in indirect sunlight.

Stylish Succulent Designs and Other Botanical Crafts book cover
By Jessica Cain

Need tips for hosting a 4th of July party? Head here! Of course, don’t forget to follow us on InstagramFacebook and Pinterest to get your daily dose of farmhouse inspiration!

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