Sarah Greenberg

Title: Writer

Location: United States

Expertise: Home Improvement

I’m a self-dubbed “extroverted writer.” I love hunkering down to create high-converting copy. Just as equally, I love getting out in the world to help clients grow their businesses. I love adopting the voice of brands, identifying customer needs and goals and creating SEO-driven content pieces and strategies that move audiences to action. As the founder of a small content marketing agency Hey Sarah, I provide content creation and strategy to support marketing teams in accomplishing their goals.


I’ve spent 10+ years in content marketing and continue to hone my skills–because it combines both of those things–creating valuable content and helping business owners and teams grow their brands. During my career, I’ve worked as a content strategist in a variety of settings–agencies, corporations, and small businesses–in a variety of industries–advertising, digital marketing, federal resume writing, science, insurance and health.

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